Etiket: dogaetkinlikleri

Line Tracing With Sea Shells
Line Tracing With Sea Shells

You can use any material for line tracing activity. Just draw lines on a cardboard and trace them with stones, sea shells, etc. This time we chose summer theme.

Nature Faces
Nature Faces

If you want to have a walk with your kid, you can have better time together in nature by creating nature faces. You need nothing but nature to be creative.

Yarn Wrapped Acorns
Yarn Wrapped Acorns

After dressing up the acorns with fabrics, we decided to use yarns to wrap some acorns, too. They turned out so beautiful and as everyone said they really looked like colorful lights. Using a piece of branch we turned them into a nice DIY decoration.

Funny Acorn Heads
Funny Acorn Heads

I feel very happy when my kids come to me with an idea. One day when I went to pick up my son from kindergarten, I saw an acorn in his hand and asked to him about his plan with this acorn and he said to me that he was planning to glue googly eyes on it and then be friend with it.

Pinecone Fishes
Pinecone Fishes

Painting a pine cone is not as easy as it seems actually, but the result is perfect so it is really worth. Especially if the paint meets with the glitter then pine cones turn into a fabulous crafts. They are hanged on our outdoor wall and look awesome.

Branch Collection
Branch Collection

At home I drew this branches randomly and we went for a walk in the forest to be able to find our aim branches. Of course we couldn’t find exactly the same ones but tried to find very similar ones at least. This is the result. My boys were so excited and they had great time in the nature.
Now we have a branch collection hanging on our door and open to the public.

Natural Materials Collage
Natural Materials Collage

We put all the autumn resources in front of us and enjoyed the tones of autumn. You can see all colors of the autumn in this image. All these resources are from nature. ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ

Fall Tree
Fall Tree

It was a spontaneous idea to create a fall tree with fall leaves. ๐Ÿ™‚

Leaf Animals
Leaf Animals

It is possible to create many animal crafts with leaves and autumn is great time to find amazing warm colors in the nature.

Heart Of Autumn
Heart Of Autumn

Sometimes things happen spontaneously like this heart. We suddenly found ourselves making a heart from nature. Nature gives us the best resources for crafting and making creative crafts. I am sure that when someone saw this heart located in the middle of playground, had a big smile on his/her face.
